Monday, April 20, 2009


看了一個前同事的照片, 她又生了一個女兒. 離之前的兒子也不過兩年. 照片看得出非常幸福的樣子. 老公有了孩子有了. 事業變得其次了吧, 我想. 雖然還在公司上班, 但是接下來的日子重心應該在顧家教育孩子了. 然後過完這樣的一生, 圓滿結束.

自己自行想象著, 有點羡慕這樣平凡到無聊的日子. 這個就是正常. 而我看不到自己會有這樣平凡的幸福. 只是想找一個喜歡的人依靠, 原來對我來説不容易. 常常在想別人是怎麽找到的. 看起來好簡單好自然. 而我每一次都是在掙扎. 性格太過獨立? 因爲喜歡的是女孩也可以是男孩所以更難?

不解. 我只想自己幸福, 感覺好像也是時間了. 雖然還年輕, 但是能夠揮霍的剩不多了. 其實媽媽為我着急, 我自己也是. 只是, 非常有感覺大多是女生, 而自己膽小地什麽也不說. 對男生也太害羞了, 或是根本沒有興趣. 縂不可能在地下鉄看到喜歡的就走過去跟人要電話吧.

我知道自己太不努力了, 但性格如此也沖不破自己那一関.
結婚生子? 可能下意識非常不期待, 所以到現在還是沒有爲此準備, 雖然總是羡慕別人如此.

Friday, April 17, 2009


鬱悶到不行, background音樂播著陳珊妮的蘋果花. 整個心情更沉重了. 兩個鐘頭之前還覺得沒有那麽糟糕, 原來都是在騙人哪! The mind can only deceive the heart for that much.

繞了一圈看了好多朋友的部落格, 其中有個好友在上面說了自己的感情故事. 之前喜歡的男人要結婚了, 自己聽到消息也頭昏了. 現在稍微能夠感受到朋友的無奈與痛苦了. 不好. 因爲自己受傷了所以能夠體會同樣受傷的人, 我希望我學不會.

唉. 總是了解了以後才來後悔, 這個就是領悟.


Bic Runga - Without You

Walk around the bathroom
Fill the sink
Wander round the kitchen
Make a drink
To occupy my time's my only wish
I've rearranged the magnets, on my fridge

Without you now, without you now
Without you now, without you now

Just can't make decisions
Think what to do
Turn on my television
And think of you
Splash my face with water

Brush my teeth
Your toothbrush gone from where it ought to be

Without you now, without you now
Without you now, without you now

Do do do do

Listen Online


兩天前就在酒吧裏接吻了. 第一次感受到的震撼,雖然已經醉得有點不行了, 但是我知道. 我知道我好喜歡, 比想象中的來得棒. 比和男人接吻還美好.

昨天發了一封短訊給她,結果沒有回應. 整整一天心不在焉, 感覺空空的, 心理有個小小的洞, 不痛但是很寂寞. 我也不知道是怎麽一回事. 結果結論是我應該不是喜歡她, 只是失望她不肯和我做朋友, 也像所有的美國人一樣, 沒誠意. 那算了, 我朋友不多, 但是還是有的. 最多再補上一個咯.

今天沒有特別想她, 只是工作停下來的空檔偶爾想起那個吻. 想起自己好傻, 人家也不過是casual的, 已經都知道她沒有意思, 竟然還不知道在期待些什麽. 都說了人家是player了嘛. 也不是自己喜歡的類型, 太酷, 太會傷別人的心了.

下班后,又發了封短訊. 問說家居擺設怎麽樣了. 她的回答說ok,說六月要和別人交換房間. 又囘她問房閒怎麽要和別人換, 然後告訴她sucky week is finally over, 想知道她現在怎麽樣了. 這一次回答更短, yeah, all's good.

好失望, 她的回應好冷漠. 在忙嗎? 前天也在酒吧遇到的女孩有打電話給你嗎? 好奇怪自己的反應和更加奇怪的想法. 如果真的她和遇到的女孩在一起, 心理就難過寂寞.

提起最後勇氣, 祝她周末愉快, 舞蹈課開始的話告訴我, 我會抽空去看, 真的想看她跳舞. 然後回答在下一秒受到, k. 我想,應該不會再call我了吧. 忽然之間的熱情一下子就沒有了, 讓我有點接不上. 太冷漠了, 就和上一次的一樣. 爲什麽呢? 難道就不能是朋友? 還是沒有事情就不能聊天?

好想約她出來, 但是我不知道是不是有企圖, 還是希望她只是一個朋友. 她想的又是什麽呢? 可能只是一個願意幫助她, 但是一個boring的上班族. 利用完了就不會再聯絡了.
現在心情是什麽? 喜歡嗎? 如果是,我只能說我真的玩不起, 男人女人都一樣玩不起. 學不會這一種熱情忽然撤退的方式, 學不會casual, 更學不會做一個稱呼朋友的aquaintence.

來到這裡, 感情成長了, 因爲心受傷了.

Has love hit me? Is it not a bit too fast to end and start?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


今天一早發了text給她, 想說約她明天一起去參加meetup活動喝杯酒. 其實沒有別的意思,雖然昨天離開的時候感覺非常曖昧. 害我今天一整天都在想她. 然後告訴自己其實我真的沒有喜歡她,只是想和她做朋友,沒有別的企圖. 而且我想她應該在尋找森林並且喜歡所有的樹,不准備只屬於一棵樹.

但是心裏就是一直吊著,完全不能安靜下來. 回到家的時候,感覺似乎已經冷掉了. 有點傷心,非常失望.感覺有點像是被騙了. 雖然知道自己可能想太多了,但是就是不能控制自己的胡思亂想.

希望現在不是因爲太過寂寞與或是期望過高. 最希望不是因爲喜歡,因爲這個感覺和上一次有點相似. :-(

哎... 好悶啊.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


今どういう状況なのか? メッセージがきて、車で箱を運んでくれるって書いた。 いいよー、考えずに、すぐ返事した。



Saturday, April 11, 2009

Do I Really Like Her? Not yet.

Okay, so I met her finally after more than 4 months when I thought for sure we would never meet again.

Really happy to see her, although we've only seen each other twice and don't really know each other very well. Guess that's just the way it is over here. Friendship intimacy doesn't grow with time since that's what everyone seems to be lacking in here. I remember reading somewhere that the best thing you can provide to a friend is your time.

So we had a quick dinner at a Chinese Spanish restaurant in Brooklyn after walking around the neighbourhood for something that looks decent and not Pizza nor Chinese nor Mexican. We talked and the atmosphere was really relaxed. She's still kinda in cloud 9 having finally to move to New York after more than 6 months of waiting and settling stuff back in Florida. She can't wait to tell everyone that she now lives in New York.

And that's it. After dinner, she had to rush to meet another friend at Brooklyn Heights and so we took the train together. After all the hype about her moving over and stuff, there really isn't any common topics to talk about I realized. Somehow, there weren't the common topics about movies or what do you do during the weekend or the people you met and stuff like that.

But I did get to know her a lot better, hopefully it will be more than just acquaintances ('friend' in US dictionary of culture). She looks fucking kissable and seems to be definitely cool about it as well... I wonder... She's not interested in getting into a relationship, meaning she will be fine with just flirting and even casual sexual relationship. I don't know how you describe the feeling but I felt turned-off by the thought and yet slightly turned-on at the same time. It's just weird, but I know I am definitely not ready to jump into a relationship with her as well.

Genuinely, I really do like her. She's cool and has this x-factor that draws me (and probably every other girl she knows at cubby) into her. She mentioned before that she wanted to be like Shane McCutcheon in the 'L' Word. Well, I think she has got it. Thus explaining the fact why she's always able to pick someone up at cubby, including me. I don't wish any miracle to happen anyway, although I have imagined like a million times kissing her in my mind.

Strictly speaking, I am not crazily in love with her, yet. Hopefully I will never be, the reason being she's one heartbreaker for sure. I think I am probably not ready to have someone settled into my heart. I hope the imagination of kissing her can stop as well, otherwise I would really act strange and weird in front of her and I hate it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


剛剛有讀到我喜歡的blog. 台長似乎遇到了喜歡(暗戀?)一段時間的女孩, 然後女孩好像也對她有點意思的感覺. 心裏的喜悅與緊張, 自我懷疑, 自卑的感覺. 暗戀的點點滴滴, 讓我想起了, 原來自己已經好久沒有真正喜歡上一個人的感覺了.

不知道男孩算不算, 不過我想那應該是寂寞使然. 因爲我一下子就get over it了, 生活照常. 看到他也沒有什麽特別尷尬或不自然的感覺. 只是偶爾心裏會會想到dating的那一段. 也沒有很深的觸動. 不像2年前暗戀的痛苦. 真的讓自己嘗到酸甜苦辣到就快'咚搶'(死掉了)了. 雖然再看到她也沒有特別深的感覺,但是回想當時的心情真的讓自己不自覺抖了一下.

對我來説, 喜歡一個人很不容易, 喜歡了更不容易解脫. 而且最慘的是沒有人可以訴苦. 有時想到沒有可能像電影一樣找自己的好友訴説戀愛心情,真的寂寞到不行. 痛,還是得自己慢慢走過來, 再辛苦, 也只能自我開導, 好早超生.

來到這裡之後遇過好多人,找到喜歡的也沒有connection, 漸漸地也沒有那麽into her了. 不過有時看到就會覺得'唉, 她真的好美啊', 就像賞花一樣,沒有特別讓自己心跳加速的感覺了. 不知道是好還是不好, 少了心動, 也就少了心痛的機會. 但是這樣不就代表心死了嗎? 完全沒有可以期待的人或事. Insipration少了, 真的好無趣呵!

Love is in the air, but it has not touched me. 我想戀愛! 我想要喜歡一個人呐! 有這麽難嗎?...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


戀愛中的女人最美. 每一個對著戀人的表情都特別帶有春風的感覺. 眉梢往上一揚, 嘴角挂著淺淺一笑, 幸福的感覺緩緩落入眼底, 讓人隨著她幸福的笑. 像花一樣綻放著最美麗的一面.

這樣幸福的女人每天都能看見, 不覺讓自己也想像她一樣找到一個能讓自己美麗的人.

男人的幸福是一種,笑著看心愛的女人,帶著一種包容的笑. 一種保護者心態的自豪. 疼著愛人, 讓她最美麗呈現出來, 方佛一生這樣保護這最美麗的女孩就是天生的己任.


春天來了, and love is in the air. Smell of flowers, 告訴等待的心,冬天過了.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ooh My God!

Oh yes!!! My friend is coming to NY earlier than expected! Woohoo~ It's a Friday, which is not exactly a good day. But, whatever. She's coming, which is good. Lucky I have nothing scheduled on a Friday.

Gonna hang out. That's what she said. I do hope so as well. Not that I don't wanna, but I was really just hoping, for this time, it would work out. Whatever it is, friends or more? I think, I am just looking for friends. Really friends. But I am not going to press too hard on this, not this time. Have fun, and time will tell.

Still the excitement I felt just kept me smiling all night long... For once, I am really glad that I pressed hard to get the car early. Just in case you never know some things might change. Like this. :)

I don't know why I felt a tinge of sadness. It should be all about an all happy thing going to happen and I am really looking forward it. I hope is a good Easter Egg and not some bad surprises....