Friday, April 17, 2009


鬱悶到不行, background音樂播著陳珊妮的蘋果花. 整個心情更沉重了. 兩個鐘頭之前還覺得沒有那麽糟糕, 原來都是在騙人哪! The mind can only deceive the heart for that much.

繞了一圈看了好多朋友的部落格, 其中有個好友在上面說了自己的感情故事. 之前喜歡的男人要結婚了, 自己聽到消息也頭昏了. 現在稍微能夠感受到朋友的無奈與痛苦了. 不好. 因爲自己受傷了所以能夠體會同樣受傷的人, 我希望我學不會.

唉. 總是了解了以後才來後悔, 這個就是領悟.


Bic Runga - Without You

Walk around the bathroom
Fill the sink
Wander round the kitchen
Make a drink
To occupy my time's my only wish
I've rearranged the magnets, on my fridge

Without you now, without you now
Without you now, without you now

Just can't make decisions
Think what to do
Turn on my television
And think of you
Splash my face with water

Brush my teeth
Your toothbrush gone from where it ought to be

Without you now, without you now
Without you now, without you now

Do do do do

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