Friday, May 1, 2009


It is really amazing how much you can establish relationship within a day, or for a matter of fact, within few hours over a meal and a drink at the bar.

The fact being that I thought I was getting out of touch with my colleagues and beloved boss, then suddenly you realised that you weren't that far away from them. On Wednesday after a frustrating discussion at work, the PM (Project Manager) suggested a drink nearby the office. I thought, yes, why haven't I tried to do some get-together before and have always been the active participant but passive organiser. So it was set, the same day we'll be going for a beer or two and all the work-gossip-work talk. Typical, and easy. You give the venue and time, send the email to a few people, tell them to pass on the news, blah blah. And then the next thing is to let the people mingle among themselves, while you enjoy the whole of it. Not that difficult, nothing much required out of the organiser.

Except you don't know that people responding very enthusiastically over the email, or people telling you that this the best email received for the whole week etc. are not going. Nope, they say yeah, they like to go have a drink, unwind and relax, great idea... Then of a sudden, this guys's got his daughter's birthday on the same day, that person has something urgent work issues to attend and will stay overtime...

Poop (a slang from my Japanese friend, which basically means shit I reckon), then nobody comes. What's wrong with these people really.

Whatever, cannot be bothered too much with people who are too casual and lack sincerity. Really. I've had enough of people who talks passionately about something then all the actions once again proofed that their mouths are doing most of the job in the life. So the people who dropped by for a drink are really people that you want to mingle with.

So there's like small group of 4 people, goes for a drink at the bar, as the alcohol content rises in the body, so is the discussion on work gossip. Before you know it, you will be telling each other about your family problems, the season's games, etc. The feeling is good, you feel closer, you felt that you are sharing, or understanding part of the lives out of the office. You feel you can become friends with them, real friends.

At the end of the session, you realised that there's been plans to do this and do that the next time, the next get-together, or even a group tour, etc. That's how much you can establish over a drink and a dinner (at Diner's). The relationship is closer, naturally there are more topic than you can imagine to talk about and possible activities to do. As for the next stage, if the effect is going to last and you will be able to take the chance to build up the relationship, is another story.

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