Friday, November 20, 2009

Good Seeing an old aquaintance's FB request.

So yeah, it's me on a Friday evening at home, blogging away. Boring.

Anyway, I just got friend's request from facebook. A secondary friend that I almost forgot I've ever had. Fact is, we were not good friends and she's really a bitch during that time. Not that she's a bitch to me, but she's a bitch when need be.

I, being the goody-two-shoes (in disguise), never really appreciate her trying to gossip and stir things up like a witch.

So, guess what, she's married to an American, and living the happily ever after life in Europe. God damn it, she even speaks a foreign language now, well in facebook. Very impressive, seems that she is really leading a high life in Europe now. Nothing much to say, except, well, looking at her photos, I still couln't help but see the normal Singaporean girl in her, despite the caucasians and surrounding classiness.

Not that is bad, is just nice, and it seems that everything can change, including the place you are in, but you will always be you. Be it plain or bitchy. Good luck and wish you happily married. :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


今天去了R的家裏,和她的室友聊了幾句。結果她就說其實像我這樣好心的人對真正的朋友和對你好的人是一種傷害,因爲他們就不能夠了解你的回報都是一樣的,就算是不是特別對你好的,你也是一樣的nice。 因爲這樣子,可能關係親密的朋友也會漸漸疏遠了。

最重要的是,自己的時間很寶貴不可能每一次都把自己的時間都讓給別人,有一天,自己累了,想要給自己休息的時間都被用了,然後就會有累的一天,犧牲了寶貴的時間就是浪費了。 如果有一天已經累了,不想再對每一個人都這麽好,而平常的volunteer沒有辦法再繼續下去了,反而就變成是自己的錯了。因爲別人已經習慣了你的好,把它當成是理所當然的了。到那個時候,就算是想說不,都是自己的錯了。


