Sunday, March 22, 2009

Castro Street, San Francisco

San Francisco is really a great city to be in. It has the laid-back feeling of a suburb yet contains enough excitement and activities to not be too boring.

A mention of Castro Street, the ever-famous gay neighbourhood in US. It has a history of LGBT activism. More recently, I have watched the movie Milk, which tells the history of how Harvey Milk started out from Castro and became the first openly gay nominated elected into public office in California state.

So I went with a friend (who I do suspect is slight homophobic. She feels sad that people are gay, and think there are more and more people becoming gay because of society acceptance towards homosexuals.) to do some sight-seeing. It was really a vibrant neighbourhood, given the impression that San Francisco's shops closes really early, plus there don't seem to be a lot of people in the area except for Fisherman's Wharf who essentially are tourists rather than locals.

So anyway, the neighbourhood was rather vibrant, bustling with cars and a lot of people walking around. Rows of restaurants that lead up the hill, bars crowded with truck driver looking men who are all gay. Big proud rainbow flags mark each building and almost every shop in the neighbourhood so you know exactly when you are almost towards the end of the place. Which is really different from New York. New York only have some restaurants with flags, kind of scattered, though everyone will know where exactly the neighbourhood starts and ends.

Happy that I took a point to go there (with a bit of pilgrims' feeling), I took a picture of Pride and the rows of streets with the flag:

And there is this wonderful restaurant called Chow where we had dinner. Nice food and saw a lesbian couple sitting beside us enjoying dinner, next to them, were a family of 4 with kids. Everything was perfectly normal and it suddenly gave me this illusion on how the perfect world should probably be.

However, though I love the place, I still do not agree to the fact that all gay/lesbian should be living in their own neighbourhood like this. Essentially, I do not agree to a gay neighbourhood. This reflects the truth that homosexual are being rejected, and exactly that would be what you would do in reaction to rejection, form your own little nation of minority. Truely, I do feel that it should be in every neighbourhood, just like you would do the same for people working for different positions but staying just beside each other. You wouldn't have janitors forming a neighbourhood of janitors and another neighbourhood of cashiers, waiters etc. So why a neighbourhood of gay? If people are so persistent in getting racial equality, I think they should also view the same for homosexual and heterosexuals.

Besides the fact that this neighbourhood is gay, the place itself is great for good restaurants and bars to hang out. I think this is what we should be focusing on essentially, not just a place for the gays to gather.

Friday, March 6, 2009


耶俗,耶俗... 在昨天去了一個一點都不愉快也完全不能融入的NYU MBA networking party之後. 我的屁股又癢了.

想想,從遙遠的南洋來到異地,乍看之下原來滿街跑的都是一個MBA。雖然不是每一個都是好的大學,但是Big Melting Pot裏真的有很多high-flyers每一天都賺了堆成山的美金,白花花的鈔票,大多數都是MBA.. 而且好不容易來到這裡,乘著一次機會來這裡讀一個美國大學的part-time也沒什麽不好的呀...
是不是應該考慮考慮呢? 回想當時邊讀書,邊做工,邊讀日語的情景,讓我顫抖了一下... 那個啊... 簡直就是煉獄.. 我是在這裡自作賤幹什麽啊我?? 越想就覺得越不可能,但越不可能就越想要去讀一個MBA.... 怎麽辦?... 救命啊... 由誰來讓我清醒開導我走向正途?....

Anyway,就算真的想要去拼命送死,人家也未必會收我. NYU啊,世界排名32,全美25... 多少人擠破頭都像進入這一閒大學? 雖然沒有哈佛這麽厲害,但也算是一閒有名的大學... 哎.. 要進入不容易,要畢業也許根本就是天方夜譚吧. 自己也不過是一閒二流大學還是part-time讀出來的. 還是放棄吧,反正讀了也對自己的事業沒有什麽幫助, 況且自己也一窮二白了,拿什麽去還學費嘞?

...左思右想, 自己還是想要做些什麽,希望可以更上一層樓,讓自己有内涵,把自己推向更有錢的路途...哎...

About Facebook

So I was slight drunk the other after I attended a meetup party. And I got a bunch of people's email address promising them I will add them in the facebook.

The next few days, I was really struggling to add or not, the risk of being outed, with almost half of the family members in facebook, colleagues, ex-colleagues.... I don't know what I am thinking, really. And I wasn't even that sure of myself.

It sounds like leading a double life, that's what, and probably I don't want this to clash together, yet. This is only a period for me to explore, I hope that this will be exciting, yet it seems so difficult to keep things apart and still be together.

Anyway, conclusion is that if they don't do something funny or post something funny in facebook, I hope that this can be save. The only thing to really worry about, is they ever post something on the wall... Well, I guess subconsciously I just want to take this chance and mess up my life a bit and get crazy a bit.

For all I know, something good may just happened in summer this year.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


星期天早上,一起來就習慣性地繼續賴床半個小時. 終于清醒的時候,馬上打開電工腦,上網查e-mail. 然後下載L片看了兩個小時。



外面輕飄飄地下著雪,天氣陰陰的,風冷冷的. 打開窗子,讓屋外清新的空氣,吹散整個早上溫暖慵懶的空氣.