Monday, April 20, 2015

About Happiness

Comes suddenly and hits you in the head...  making you dizzy and spinning around wondering what was going on.  How is it that, all of  a sudden you are in a merry-go-round, spinning fast and that the world was turning in a blur yet you felt so happy, with your heart beating with excitement and anticipation?

Is this what life is about?  Not knowing what happened but only realising what you feel?  A day, just like any other normal day, stuck deep in the mud of mundane and routine, makes it all the difference when you are happy and unhappy.  Does the world stop spinning when you are unhappy?  Do people really notice and care about how you feel?  However, it still changed to you.  A day like any other day is not like any other day.  It is a day, when you think, today I am happy.

Cherish the happy day, as there are not a lot that comes by.  Sometimes it only lasts for that 1 day, and then everything else just falls back to whatever was before that.  Only then will you realise that happiness is so fragile, just like a butterfly.  Flies in to touch you for the moment, then the next it's gone.

Then, no matter how hard you tried, you may never find the butterfly again.

Perhaps, in the process of searching for it.  You have gotten used to the grey of every day.  Still everything passes like a blur, because you stop wondering and looking.  The spinning continues but it starts to get dizzy in a bad way, makes you want to vomit, makes you want to cry and makes you want to stop the spinning, and searching.  And just close your eyes and shut the world out.  No noise just silence and no motion just stillness.

Then slowly, open your eyes again...  See what is around you.  A butterfly, a different butterfly, may just come and visit you.  The happy day, as sudden as it has left, will come suddenly.  Hitting you on the head, making you dizzy and spinning around wondering what was going on.

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