Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Corinne Bailey Rae - The Sea

Release: 26 January 2010

01. Are You Here

I'd Do It All Again
03. Feels Like The First Time
04. The Blackest Lily
05. Closer
06. Love's On Its Way
07. I Would Like To Call It Beauty
08. Paris Nights/ New York Mornings
09. Paper Dolls
10. Diving For Hearts
11. The Sea

Friday, February 5, 2010


今天,早上覺得楊乃文唱的‘最初的地方’特別適合早上的心情。 讓我安靜的想一想。。。寂寞待我回到最初的地方。


爲什麽,寂寞如影相隨,雖然生活過的自認還算充實? 是空虛嗎?還是因爲沒有方向的無所謂讓寂寞這麽折磨著我? 無解。

要下雪了, 結果和朋友的約會cancel了。 星期五的晚上,又是一個人回到家裏。 愁著不知道的什麽。


Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I don't know what to think, don't know what to say. Don't know what to do on a snowy winter's night. The place is warm, yet my body stays cold. It is quiet outside, but i felt the noise rattling inside my head.

I want to scream and I want to shout, but I fell into silence to calm myself down. Too much is going on, nothing was going on.

Till when, will I realise, that me, is who I am.

Chaos, in the orderly life, is driving me crazy. How do I act sane? When all that is inside is nothing but the craziness? How do I act insane? When all that craziness outside is deemed reality.

I want to pen all the thoughts that flew by, and flew out of my head. Yet the coordination seems so difficult to translate the thoughts into comprehensible thoughts. It is like a foreign language that only I know, yet I cannot find words to translate it. It might just be a foreign language you know, after all, who else knows what I am thinking but me?

Do I know, what is real? Do I know what is real? Do I know what I want to know as real? Do I know if I am real?

In my own world, there are no imaginations, just images, words, sounds, noises, unprocessed, unedited, uncensored, understandable, by only myself. I am in a world of reality went crazy, thoughts that were too morbid yet I felt relieved and happy to hide in it. If only I could fly away from all this. Where to? Where is the perfect world that I could fly to?

A neverending story that ends with my life. How ironic, if my thoughts can last forever but I will not be there forever...