Would probably even say that I am starting to understand the concept of automatism, and to appreciate surrealism. To liberate the innermost of your emotions, to bring out strong potent feelings that, as a most sane person would never have felt it. And, the reason why some artists went into self-destruction, got into drugs, and of course are mostly, if not all, alcoholics. My assumption, that is.
I do feel more liberated and closer to the most inner self when the devil's drink starts to take effect and slowly shedding away the armor call sanity, bringing you closer to your own wildest imagination, closer to something, that I would probably be afraid to address and acknowledge while wearing 'the sane armor'.
Of course, not all drunks appreciate art (or can be artists for that matters). Although most artists are probably pretty drunk at some point where they produced the most powerful art that awes the world and leave such an impression that cannot be easily forgotten.
Personally I probably would appreciate Pollock (abstract, probably influenced by automatism) more if I drink 2 tequila shots (yes, two and no more, otherwise I would create a scene and forget I am suppose to be in MOMA appreciating art) and went straight there. Liberating myself, and allowing Pollock's to leave me in awe. Allow it to unleash its power at me that it will be emotionally an impression I would never forget. Art, or very profound art like abstract, cubism, surrealism, or (even impressionism?) is something that as a very sane person, I would never really understand.
Conclusion, I can sort of understand the feelings of trusting your inner self to the artists' work if I am drunk (slightly). Not only does it requires a talent to create art, but talent (maybe slightly drunk ones) to also appreciate the profundity of those creations. Lol... Random random...

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