Monday, July 20, 2009

Bored @ Office Part XX?

Have not been putting up posts for July. Probably it marks the start of my laziness to keep up with this blog. Anyway, some little stuff that I wrote during boring office hours today...

1. Everything unhealthy on my desk goes first. Thus explains why the apple on my desk rotted after 2 weeks.

2. I've always wanted to write something witty and outrageously funny, yet, it all boils down to this inferiority complex that nothing I write will ever be funny. Because dark comedy isn't funny but saddening.

3. I want to squeeze in as many meaning as I can within a short sentence, but usually ended up 10 times the length to tell half of what I wanted to say. Since primary school days, my summary tests failed and essays too long.

4. I cannot think fiction stories to write, the idea usually struck me like a lightning and went away in a flash.

5. I love music of all genres, listen to everything yet it seems I don't understand any.

6. Inspiration is like a nice cool breeze suddenly blowing on a hot summer day, you feel it and next moment it is gone.

7. Reading is a good way to writing, but if you don't start writing, reading constantly will prepare you when you feel like starting anytime.

8. Creative braincells die off as soon as you used them. You will have to have mental food everyday to regrow them again.

Most part of it sounds like crap, but all ideas start from crap. That's what the life is full of.

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