Sunday, June 21, 2009


I hate the word eternity. I guess to hate is too strong, do not like is a better word to describe it. The fact that nothing can be eternity, this word is almost impossible. Why would a word as such ever be spoken, or known?

Why would we have eternity? Why would we even have the thought of eternity? Everything fades off eventually, plants, trees, human, the earth. What, other than nothing would be eternal, then? Why dream and promise and speak of eternity. Changes are happening, nothing is kept constant. The only constant is change itself, which is not constant by itself.

Thus, eternity, is only a spoken word that poses no meaning. Don't say you love someone eternally, because your love is going to change as you do. When you die, your emotions too, the heart stops beating, your brain stops working, your body stops moving, how can you show your love? Life is not eternal, so are emotions. Memories only work in the minds of the living, and stops when there are none living.

There is nothing that does not end, thus there is nothing such as eternity. However much you may want to believe that something is going to be there forever, there are nothing that will stay. Rocks will be eroded. Rivers will run dry. Mountains will wear down. Plants will die, so will the animals and people.

When everything is reduced to dust and dust to nothingness, what is there to speak of that will be eternity? Probably the space and emptiness; which really tells you nothing is eternal.

Eternity is a dream, is a word to heavy to use. An abusive word to promise when you know nothing will be eternal. That's why I don't like the word eternity. And do not think of that as a word as well, the present is more important to think or promise something that are not even present and will be future.

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