Monday, February 23, 2009

New Blog


Yes, this is a new blog! The second one I am keeping! Among the millions, maybe trillions of blogs nowadays on the internet, I seriously hope that my friends will never find this. So I have decided that even if 我那一天心血來潮想要post照片, I will not put my own face on it. Maybe put something with mosaic?

Anyway, new blog comes with a new resolution, another added responsiblity to maintain something virtual. But I do hope this is a new way to let me breath some fresh air and write something which have never been dared posted before. 我是一個膽小的人, 所以我習慣僞裝在陽光的面具下. 如果再沒有管道讓我發洩, I think I will never be happy for the rest of my life, grappling with all different things and, most importantly, never be able to find myself.

最後,我的心願就是想要快樂,讓自己活出自己. And now, new mission to find a nice blog design, that should be keep me busy for a while. Hopefully something intellectually provocative will come out.

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