Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Dearest Fucking Life

應該不是很差,但是就是不知道在憂鬱什麽。無事嘆春秋。。。 因爲還有未完成的夢?與或是不敢面對,真正的自己?

我,到底是誰? 爲什麽如此傷悲?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Blah blah blah

Okay, now with all that caffeine and nicotine saturating my body and calming down my nerves, I think I am ready to blog again.

Not with all that's been happening lately, I kinda slowly but surely feel that I am finally getting hold of myself, at least a little.

I still have my confusion about what I am looking for, in love, career. I do not even know what I should be looking forward to in this life, or just waiting for the time when my biology clock stops ticking. Meanwhile, just doing things to keep boredom and loneliness from eating into my sanity too much.

I guess I am whining, as with all other people who is having a less-than-satisfactory but not exceedingly bad life; no major illness or born-in defect physically/mentally to complete the drama, nor any current events that is shaping history around the globe to participate in.

Things do get spiced up once in a while, and for me, there is a subconsciousness to keep it down to a minimal level. Always be on the safe side, as mama has always said. Keep to your business. If I see a fight, walk away; if anything's too risky, avoid it. Walk on the path that's been walked and proven safe, not step on the thin line that you've seen so many before you done, unsuccessfully, I'll fall down and get hurt. Avoid un-taken approach at all cost... blah blah blah..

So anyway, about this little post of self-whining and magnifying the lost in the city feeling, I would like to add a little positive note. I am not in love, but looking forward to make it happen with somebody. If this is a phase that I have to go through to prove myself, I will take it as a journey to, hopefully, self-discovery of who I really am.

That is perhaps what everyone goes through in life, for me, is just the beginning of a start too late.